New Line-Up for Dream Chemistry
We’ve made some changes over the last month. Robin Brown has replaced Ella McGee as lead vocalist. We would like to welcome Robin into the fold with open arms. At the same time we would like to express our love and wishes to Ella. It’s been a great ride. We wish her the best in her future endeavors.
Steve Piper has also joined the group. He will be adding a second guitar, more vocals and percussion. Who knows? We may even get him on bass now and then to free Neal up to play some percussion and other interesting instruments. Only time will tell.
Steve also brings his experience with live and studio sound to the table. Jimmy Caterine is thrilled to have some greatly needed help with the ‘ears’ end of things.
You can see the ‘new and improved’ Dream Chemistry at Storm Wisdom on April 24 & 25. A post with all the details to follow, shortly.